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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

On the First day of Christmas...

So here is my first post as an actual blogger....

Tank, necklace: Forever 21
Cardigan, belt: Charlotte Russe
Jeans: AE
Chanel Necklace: China Town, New York
Boots: Belk (Black Friday last year! Can we say SALE??)
Meet Izzy.
I have a feeling Izzy will be in a few of my pictures.
She doesn't like it when she's not the center of attention. :/

So this an out I wore to my church's Christmas party for the kids and young adults.Church is a very big part of my life. I like to go every time that I can. So it would be safe to say a lot of my outfits will be church outfits. Which means they have to be very appropriate.

Normally when I go to church I wear dresses or skirts, but for this Christmas party it was fit I could wear jeans. This outfit was very comfortable, and with all the little  kids running around that's what I needed. I was rolling around in the floor with them before it was over. :))

I love pink. Which almost every girl loves pink, but it really is my favorite color. I have so much pink in my wardrobe that its scary. One of my favorite color combinations ( with pink included ) is pink and grey. I got to use this AMAZING combination here and add a touch of sparkle ( MY FAVORITE!!!) with the belt as well.

Well my fellow bloggers here is my first blog! I am new at this so its basically a "rough draft". They will get better! So here's to a new beginning for just a small town girl!!!

* Photos by my lovely boyfriend *

Monday, December 20, 2010

Hello all!

I wanted my first blog to be a little itroduction to myself! I come from a very VERY small town in East Tennessee. Around here if you don't want to "grow-up" to be a doctor, lawyer, teacher, or something "normal", you are looked at like you are a complete nutcase! I have grown up loving fashion and wanting to be a part of it!

When I started college I had listened to a lot of people saying that I could not do it, that I couldn't have any part in the fashion world coming from such a "small town". I had almost decided to become a teacher. Then one day while talking to my amazing boyfriend (whom will be playing "Photographer" for me), he told me something that use to did not have any meaning to me. "Follow your heart, and chase your dreams." How many times as we grow up have we heard that statement? It didn't click with me till then how much those few words can really mean. So I began my journey as a fashion major.

Here's where this blog comes into the picture. I dont want to just be sitting in the classroom for the next two and a half years, I want to be out in it! This is my ticket in. Letting everyone see what fashion really means to me! No one ever said it was going to be easy, but I put my whole heart into it and work my rear off while looking at all those that have said I would not make it laughing :))!

Welcome to the fashion life of a small town girl....